The story of Slavery never has been and never will be told as a whole. Even many historians try to discover the story, many politicians try to cover the story under the reason which slavery can hurt U.S morality. Nevertheless, the slavery usually people learn from history class. It is the tip of iceberg and Inhumanity and immorality certainly existed.
From the book, “The Willie Lynch Letter and the Making of a Slave” published by Lushena Books tells METHODS to make a slave. According to Frederick Douglas, “It was the interest and business of slave holders to study human nature, and the salve nature in particular with a view to practical results, and many of them attained astonishing proficiently in this direction.” It states the slave owners didn’t care about human being, and the black Africans were a object to give benefits for their property. Slave hunters target was a pregnant black woman, a men and a child. The hunters captured them while they were resting. They destroyed families. Especially, offspring of the pregnant black woman, was used to change the black family relationship. By her being left alone, unprotected, the ordeal circumstance should affect her offspings to be mentally week and dependent. Until the woman having frozen psychological state of independence, the hunters were guard at all time, so she never got a chance to meet her husband and her child.
The slave life was so hard. They worked 12 hours under hot and had terrible living condition destroyed them mentally and physically. Many times living place were changed because their owner sold them and they had to let go. In black slave society, family living together barely existed, and many black mothers were separated from just newborn baby. Also, frequently, the owner raped their women slaves and if the slave born the owner’s baby, the owner sold them separately and tried to hide their faults.
In the whites mind, there wasn’t conscience. It is the most evil institution, so Slavery helped economic growing in the U.S., it couldn’t exist eternally.
American Slaves Tell Their Stories: Six Interviews (Dover Books on Americana) by Octavia V. Rogers Albert (Paperback - April 1, 2005)
Slavery and the Making of America by James Oliver Horton and Lois E. Horton (Paperback - Feb 16, 2006)
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